Company Profile

Sunstone is a gem originated in Northern Europe, from which you may see various kinds of light under different refraction angles. That’s exactly like children. Every child is a gem, as long as with the appropriate carving, find his potential, they can show him a different light, let him step on the bright life.

Sunstone DNA provides every parent with the right help to unfold the part of the genetic blueprint. It provides parents with the insight to their children’s inborn talent so that parents can be more effective in raising their baby children.

Two Growth Keys For Children
Time - to accompany the child's time, so that he grew up in the parents of love and companionship
Resources - to educate the child's resources to help him find his way to go, to reach the height

Structure Of Company

Sunstone DNA Limited is a DNA testing service company under HRS Limited. The Group established at Hong Kong for 22 years and has been dedicated to the development of professional services, including medical, educational and personnel services, to form a unique network of professionals. Our service units are distributed throughout Hong Kong.

Our Product - Wisdom DNA

Foresee child’s potential, dominate the future

There are over millions of parents concern about their kids’ early education every year, making effort on extra- curricular activities, driving children to exhaustion through countless activities.

Spending immeasurable money and energy, trying to offer the best education for their children and get them off on the right foot. However, did they allocate the resources in the right direction? Is the child's talent and potential are fully explored? Does the child’s weakness get the best enhancement?

“Wisdom DNA" is the best support for you. By offering the most suitable education according to the genetic blueprint, children may develop their fullest potential. Resource and time can be used more focusing and cost-effective.

*Grab the child's Sensitive learning period for talent development
*Let the child learn and grow in the right direction
*Make the child's potential fully developed
*Make the appropriate adjustments for the child


"We should understand our genes first, and see how environmental influences go, so after we milk Nature as much as we can then we go back to Nurture."
– James Waston

Detection Of Major Genes

Gene detection covers eight kinds of major genes, the results allows the parents to have in-depth understanding of the child characteristics, potentials and weaknesses, so as to arrange future competitiveness. Also, as genes are inborn, Wisdom DNA can be carried out at any age, and once in a lifetime.

Accurate And High Quality Genetic Analysis
Our genetic analysis team in the United States consists of world-class scientists such as gene computing, complex science, artificial intelligence and specialists doctors, and has more than 20 years of global collaborative genetic testing experience and has numerous international certifications to ensure that the detection accuracy reaches international level or above.

Detailed Report And Professional Follow Up
DNA analysis results are detailed, including expert advice, such as future development and career recommendations. Hong Kong professional adviser will explain the contents of the report to the parents and provide additional support for the necessary cases. If the arrangements referrals to specialists and psychologists, the Hong Kong professional adviser will continue to follow up on the child's growth and healthy development. The report will be kept confidential.

The Procedure Is Simple And Safe
Eucalyptus DNA detection gene detection only need a special cotton swab, oral cavity in the test can be taken from the mucous membrane tissue, very convenient, non-invasive and painless process. The samples were submitted by an unnamed method to the US recognized genetic laboratory.

Consultation Details

If you have any questions about the test or want to know more, please contact our professional advisor. Our professional team will provide you with all kinds of consulting services with their rich knowledge.

You could find the brochures at here.